Sunday 10 June 2018

Wes Anderson Exhibition

Wes Anderson is an American film director, film producer, screenwriter and actor. He has was an Academy award. He grew up in Texas, in 1969. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in philosophy. He comes from an advertising background.

His Work:

Still of his work:

What I find interesting about his work:
1. I love the attention to the smallest bit of details throughout the whole films, this is what really makes them interesting and engaging to watch.
2. The colours that are used throughout the whole movie, really pull together the whole visual style.
3. He conveys serious topics but in a visual languages which is different to what one would think of the topic.
4. The art direction is very thought out and every choice has had a lot of time put in.
5. The camera movement is very interesting at certain points of the movies.
6. The frame which he shoots on it varies thought the movie depending on the time frame. However, every shot is perfectly framed.

Exhibition photos:
Wes Anderson has a new film called, ' Isle of Dogs'. As a celebration of it opening in cinemas, in London there was an exhibition of some of the film sets that were designed and built for the movie. I went along and took some photos. It amazed me to see the detail in real life. The scale of the models was a lot bigger than I thought they would be, however it made me question though, how they filmed some of the scenes from the movies, as they were bigger than I thought but too small to push a full camera down into a side street. The whole 360 campaign around the exhibition and film, had the same tone of voice and I thought was well executed in a really interesting manner, I really liked how they tried to connect to the viewers in a physical way, giving them an experience that builds an authentic connection.

Here is a diagram I found online that shows an example of his style & colour:

Interesting video about the fonts that We Anderson uses throughout his movies: 

What Wes Anderson work really gets me to do is to reflect back on my own work and try and introduce some of his principles into my own practice, such as not following the mainstream way of thinking.  The attention to detail, as I mentioned previously and how everything is considered and designed for the purpose of creating the exact vision. I also love how he mixes a traditional feel with a modern feel, I think this is done through the use well throughout colour palates. 

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