Sunday 14 February 2016

Sunday Sum up - 14 / 02 / 2016

Monday - I had a portfolio talk on how to put together one. It wasn't that interesting as the information I all ready knew. However my tutor did sit down with me and go though my whole portfolio and tell me which areas I needed to improve. I headed to the wood workshop. To my absolute surprise the a lovely technician had cut the middle of my ampersand for me. I then had lunch where I work on my portfolio layout.  I headed back to the wood work shop so that I could smooth down all 8 of the ampersand to the final state to be sprayed painted. I then rushed off to Oxford Circus to meet my old friend Kyle who was around London, we went in to a couple of shops such as we built the city, drop dead, muji, topshop. We then went to a coffee shop and I looked at his recent work, I also got a chance to meet one of his close friends which was lovely. Unfortunley I need to get home as I had a lot of work and I was getting very tired. When I got back I sat down worked on university work, such as my evaluation form, emailed local wolves magazine and portfolio. I worked to 4 o clock in the morning on a document with products coming out this year.

Today I overslept I forgot to turn my alarm on. I decide to work from home, in the morning. I caught up on emails, phoned the tax office. I headed in to university for a talk on books and layout. It was a very interesting talk, it covered; is print dying what will happen. How our way of reading has gone back the start when they were in scrolls. After I headed to the wood workshop where I was able to cut 1 ampersand.  I went back to a guest lecture, but it was awful I don't want to go to much into it. I left half way through. When I got back to halls I made a noodles and had dumplings with them. It was the best thing that had happened all day by a long way! Then sat down and final after a long time putting it off did my tax form.

Wednesday - I did work all morning and afternoon. At 5 I headed out to meet Sarah in Covent garden. It was lovely to see her  we walked over to China town where a load of decorations where up celebrating Chinese New Year. Had a lovely meal and a catch up. Came back to halls and watched a movie with Sean.

I caught up on sleep in the morning and then I headed to Waterloo to catch a train back home. I went to see Kyle and his friends down in his university. I then headed to my dentist appointment, which was the reason why I went back home. Me and my mother went into town after as I was meant to meet a friend but it didn't happen for various reasons. Instead we went home and cooked soup and I worked.

I woke up and the house was empty every one had headed home for school or work. I worked in bed the whole morning working on my book. I then walked into town, it was freezing I had miss calculated the weather when leaving London all I had where heels and a summer dress. I walked for a hour in the cold and rain. I sorted out a problem with a sim card. I was then meant to meet a friend, but yet again it didn't happen which was very disappointing. However I went into a new shop in town cause it looked like it had some lovely clothes in the inside. To my surprise my friend had set it up and now owns it. It was lovely to see her again. I then went for a coffee with my mother and her friend. We both went home and had a lovely evening with my family. I then just worked to late in the morning.

I woke to the smell of home made cake that my mother was making in the kitchen, it was lovely. I then worked in the morning. My dad came into my room and had brought me a present, it was a ampersand that light up.  All of the family then got into the car and went down to my grandparents. We had cool time catching up with every thing. I went back home and did more work on my book.

I did some admin around the house from backup laptops, sorting technology out. I made pancakes, and sat down for a brunch with the family. Headed back up to London in the afternoon and saw Kyle on the train which was a lovely surprise. The rest of the evening I just did some work.

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