Sunday 28 February 2016

Sunday Sum Up 28 / 02 / 2016

I went into university today, we had a talk about time-based work and how a storyboard worked. We then had to go away for a bit and create our storyboards to present in 4 hours. Me and Josh went to the studio and I felt we were both very productive. I got all the work done and I knew how everything fitted together. I then did my presentation the tutor seemed to like my idea. It got across the point. Honestly, I don’t like the project brief at all. So I am going to focus on the context of my person and how he lived in New York city. This project for me is not about meeting the project brief but learning about new stuff. I then came home from university and caught up with work emails. I really wished that the day before on Sunday I had gone over to Tate Britain to do some street photography, for the Topshop show, never mind there is always September, where I can go out and do some street photography. In the evening I did research on animations. There were some amazing ones, the one I fell in Love with the heart of NewYork.

I sat down with my storyboards in the morning and reviewing everything. I have decided that I am just going to focus on one scene. I would rather do this perfectly and get the technique right then, a lot of scenes not done so well. I then went to White chapel exhibition. It was on the internet and technology. I just did really enjoy or understand any of the work. I then headed back to UAL, I first  went to the wood workshop, then to the library. The last thing I  did was to go to an lecture given by a guest speaker. It was quite interesting, his style was very different to mine, however I felt like I learnt a lot. I came back to halls and watched Pan movie. Later in the evening' I did some research on animation.

I made for my lunch which was a stir fry. I heading back home for a couple of days. However before I got home, I popped into an Laurens house for a bit, we had a drink and a lovely catch up. I then sat in the sunroom eating New york cheese cake with my mother and father. It was lovely to catch up with them both from their holiday away. I then sat with my sister for a bit and talked to her about life. 

The morning I just did bits and bobs around the house, while listening to vampire academy audio book. In the afternoon I went off to the dentist for some work there, which I was dreading! In the evening, I then sat in the sunroom recovering from the work I had done on my teeth.

My iphone 6 arrived in the morning. I spent the morning setting up the phone and sorting out my accounts, while listing to vampire academy. I then just worked on little bits and bobs. In the evening as a family, we went out to celebrate my dad's last day at work. When we got back me and my mother sat in the sunroom watching videos that I have taken over the past couple of weeks.

I saw 3 of my aunties briefly, It was lovely to see them as I don't see them that much at the moment. I then headed back to London. I cooked a tuna dish for lunch and sat down and did drawings and watercolours of ivory.

In the morning I woke up I did some animation work. I started drawing the background which is a street down New york.  I then fond a water pipe had broken, so there was water all over my floor of my cupboard, which meant that some of my clothes were destroyed, which was a shame. I picked up some parcels in the post and I spent the whole afternoon sorting my clothes out. I then wrote my Sunday sum up, which was heart breaking as I had all ready, written it and it got deleted :( Also I haven't had a camera on me the last 2 weeks, so the photos aren't as strong as previous weeks, however I have got it back now, so next week, should be a strong photo week!.


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