Friday 11 January 2019

16 ways that are a easy switch to live a more sustanibly lifestyle

Global warming is a massive issue which seems to be on the edge of all of our minds. A lot of times when people want to help the world, but they don't realise that really small changes can really help. Little changes to everyday life can lead to a big global impact and a way to do your little bit to help Global warming.

These are the 15 ways that I have changed my lifestyle and some links to buy stylish sustainable options.

1. Tote bags - This is very easy, I carry these everywhere so I can reduce the amount of plastic bags I use.

2. Reusable water bottles / Coffe cups - Very simple switch that can make a huge impact and reduce the number of disposable water bottles and coffee cups which get put in bin every day.

1. Swell bottle big marble -

2. Swell Bottle small marble -

3. Ecosia - Set this as your default internet search and at the same time as internet shopping and watching Netflix, you will be contributing to growing more trees. The more you search the more trees you plant -

4. Buying bulk - This can reduce the amount of packing and carbon footprint. So you could buy pasta, rice, toilet paper etc..

5. Buying zero waste - Most supermarkets offer this option, but not a lot of people take it up. When buying fruit and veg, go to the section where there is no packaging and place them in tote bags.

6. Food wrap - Bees wrap is a great alternative which is reusable and saves the plant by reducing the amount of plastic.

7. Second-hand clothes - Depop and eBay are great to pick up high street clothes from Asos, Zara etc... It doesn't have to be old granny clothes. A lot of people now buy clothes for that season and at the end of it sell it online. So its great to pick up beautiful stylish clothes for the next year.

8. Bike - Alternative to using a car

9. Second-hand book / Ipad

10. Switching to a sustainable energy provider - Bulb is a great option to have sustainable energy without installing solar panels.

12. Wearing more layers - cute jumpers, tights and knee high boots.

13. Grow your own herbs, fruit & veg

14. Compost

15. Reusable Straws

16. Wooden washing

1. Bottlebrush £1.79 -

2. Bamboo spongers -



Really thinking about if you need to buy something, what value it will add and buying more quality products from shops & brands that hold strong ethics and morals.

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