Sunday 24 January 2016

Sunday Sum up 24 / 01 / 2016

Monday - I had my big presentation that I had been preparing for all week. I was very nervous, because I knew that my face and voice would be on the big screen in front of all my whole class. However I thought that it went really well. The rest of the day as spent watching over 50 other peoples presentations. In the evening I was meant to go and celebrate a birthday, however I got home and I fell asleep by accident, I think I needed to catch up on sleep, this week from having so little last week!

Tuesday -  I was very excited today, my studio lights came. I had fun setting them up and practise some test shots with them. In the afternoon I went to uni. I had a theory lecture, the topic was on a fine line between stealing. Then after there was a guest lecture, it was someone who worked on graphic design in the Dubstep music industry.

Wednesday - In the morning I prepared for my one to one on the thursday, I put together a presentation, that explained my business and the ideas I have come up with. I then went and picked Sean up from Euston station and helped him carry his bags, back to halls. Other than that today was just general admin catch up day.

Thursday - I had a bit of a lie in which was nice. I then went to uni for a one to one, it was really long. There was a lot of great feedback. I then after went to Shepard bush to go to Waitrose and pick up some food. I made the most amazing Gourmet burger with sweet potato fries. I then did a photo shoot of the awesome Merchandise products I got.

Friday - Had a group session today at uni. The brief was too make a 9 second vine. The tittle was 'magic paper'. The group I was in was with Lauren, Josh & Gabriel. We went out to Covent garden, to try and capture our Vine. The idea was that we would get into situations, where we would need physical objects, but didn't have. We then would quickly draw them and the object would appear. Such as lost your oyster card, get out some paper and draw one, a oyster card would appear and would let you though the gate.

Saturday - I did a re shoot in the morning of some of the Awesome Merchandise items I got given and the ending of my video! Me and Siqi in the afternoon then Oxford street with a lot of boxes and parcels to the post office. We then went to Tiger, where I brought some really cute brown kraft post stick notes. Then we walked over to China town and had a lovely lunch. After that we walked up to Piccadilly Circus, then all the way up Regent Street, then to Carnaby street, then UAL fashion college. I then came home and watched black Sails and watched a movie with Sean.

Sunday - Had a lovely sleep in the morning! I then meet up with my friend Gabriel we walked through covent gardens and the little lanes around there. We then walked to the strand where we ate, talked & worked at It Su. I then came home and finished off editing vides, freelance work for local wolves & posted this sunday sum up!

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